Work in the EV Sector

Work in the EV Sector

EV Careers is your one source for all EV related careers in Windsor-Essex. Create a profile to unlock relevant job postings that match your skill set. Individuals who are looking for a new opportunity, students, or recent grads can get started today.

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Connecting job seekers with employers in Windsor-Essex's thriving electric vehicle sector

EV Careers is a not-for profit partnership between community development organizations and academic institutions in Windsor-Essex, Ontario, including Invest WindsorEssex, Workforce Windsor Essex, WEtech Alliance, the University of Windsor, and St. Clair College. Our mission is to support the region’s growing electric vehicle (EV) sector by connecting job seekers with local employers and providing the resources and information they need to build successful careers in this exciting industry.

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Partners is made possible by the following partners:

We take immense pride in acknowledging the generous financial support provided by the Government of Canada and the Province of Ontario. Their commitment to fostering the development of EV careers has been instrumental in empowering us to create a platform that connects aspiring professionals with exciting opportunities in this burgeoning field. Together with the Government of Canada and the Province of Ontario, we strive to drive innovation, promote environmental stewardship, and build a greener tomorrow through the advancement of EV careers.

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